Hello there !
I am Marco Schwartz, electrical engineer & hardware entrepreneur. The main business I am currently running is around home automation & open-source hardware (http://openhomeautomation.net). I am happy that these forums are available for us to talk about open-source hardware !
One of my idea at the moment is to build a website giving information and advice about how to start & run a hardware startup based on the open-source hardware model. I know that they are successful companies out there that works on this model (Arduino, Adafruit, Sparkfun …) and a lot of people that want to start in that area (looking at the number of projects on Indiegogo & Kickstarter).
The website would be similar in the concept to this one that some of you might know : http://www.ecommercefuel.com which is based on how to build an e-commerce business. The long-term goal would be to create a website where hardware founders can help each other out, but really focused around the business side of things.
I wanted to have the opinion of people from this forum on my idea, for example if you think that there would be some interest from the OSHW community for this kind of website.
Marco Schwartz