Open Source Hardware Certification

About the Open Source Hardware Certification category (1)
7. Penalty for failure to meet certification requirements (9)
Minimum of files to comply with the certificate? (10)
OSHWA and open-source 3D printing - request for comment (4)
Creality3D/Ender-3 certificate (1)
Is compliance of software licenses a requirement of OSH Certification? (3)
Creating boards does requires certification i havd board not designed but studied but i want to certifiy as my product (2)
When "Ties" Between A Creator And Company Break! (1)
10. Reaching out to companies outside of current OSH community (7)
9. Distinction between mandatory requirements and best practices (9)
8. Should OSHWA maintain a public database of certification complaints (7)
6. Should certification require fees (10)
4. Self-certification or pre-approval process by OSHWA (16)
5. Should registration be part of the certification process (10)
2. Single definition of openness or a spectrum of options (13)
3. Certification of projects with non-open components (10)
1. Is certification something that OSHWA should be looking into all? (18)